Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blog Post 4

Don't Teach your Kids This!
Dr. McLeod has a very good point here. There is bad stuff out there, but are we really going to risk our childrens future because of this stuff? Parents should learn how to use blocks, and talk to your children about the bad stuff. Teach them what to do and not to do. Parents have to teach their children about technology, because that is what everything will be in the future.
Who is Scott McLeod?
Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Educational Administration program at Iowa State University. He has received numerous national awards for his technology leadership work, including recognitions from the cable industry, Phi Delta Kappa, and the National School Boards Association. In Spring 2011 he will be a Visiting Canterbury Fellow at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.

The ischool Initiative
The ischool can be viewed either way, there are good things about it, but also bad. The ischool will get rid of the use of paper, books, calculators, and all the other expensive school materials. I agree that it is a good idea, especially since it is blocked from everything that is non educational, this leaves no distractions. It would save a lot of money, and they would not be that hard to use. Parents should like the idea of being able to get on a cell phone and track the progress of their child. Face it, money is extremely tight right now with no hope of it getting better anytime soon, so this does seem like the best option. On the other hand, how much time would it take to educate every student and teacher about this?
This ischool can reduce the excuses that homework was lost or teachers all time favorite, they lost it. There would be no more, "I don't know what to do." If someone didnt understand, they could just jump right on and email the teacher and notes or the lecture or assignment could be sent in a blink of an eye.

wow! In the beginning of this video I was thinking, "Wow, this is what our world is coming to."
This is what is becomming the normal. Employers do think that work should come before everything else and most people are getting a divorce these days. In the video, it says "unless" we change our habits". Well, what is stopping that? Is it that we are just too lazy, too busy, or do we just not care? One day we are going to wake up into this nightmare, and there is not going to be a thing that can reverse it.

Virtual Choir
This Choir is amazing, all these people singing together, but in so many different places. This amazes me. It had to have taken much work to all practice together using webcam. None of these people even know each other, and yet they can all come together from all over the world, just by sitting at their computer.

Teaching in the 21st Century
What does it mean to teach in the 21st century? Referring to the video, yes students have unlimited information about anything on the internet. What good does it do to have information if they don't know what to do with it. You are not born knowing what plagiarism is, you are not born knowing how to read for key details, or how to write a paper. We learn all this from teachers, people who have been where we are today. Doctors don't just wake up one morning and say they want to be a doctor, they have to go through years of school, taught by, yes teachers.
Even though our world is changing and computers have all the things that a library has, people still have to learn how to use them and how to look up, paraphrase, and write a paper.


  1. Hello, I do agree that there is good and bad to having technology in the classroom with young children or most children in general. You cant always monitor what they are doing and that can be scary. technology in the 21st century is amazing. Children can find virtually endless information anywhere and this can be a very beneficial thing for everyone. And as for the ischool, this is a crazy idea in which I am very curious about. Im on the fence with it because alot of people should be in a class. Where as alot of people choose online schooling becaus it fits their lives. But when it comes to children I believe they should be in a school if not for many other reasons at least so they can be social and have the social skills they need. we arent interviewing through technology (mos the time) so children need these people skills. I also agree with you about how most people are putting theyre jobs before their families and I do feel this is wrong. Pick your priorities, if you love your job so much then dont have children if your going to neglect them.

  2. So you did watch the last half of The Lost generation, correct? I wasn't sure from your comments.
